
The world came to a standstill in March 2020 because of the pandemic. The soul has been battered through different periods of this time. These unusual times have exposed the sore wounds of my inner self to the surface. The wavelength of the exposure has been different and interesting to me! I had started to record these strange thoughts and feelings in order to create some tactile imagery. This lockdown period has given me the opportunity to explore the home’s intimate space, which I recognize as symbolic of the HINTERLAND (the land behind, especially of a city or a port). The socio-spatial relevance of home has created an uneasiness within myself.

The sunlight masquerades the rooms for an hour or so early in the morning, creating this HINTERLAND of happenings beyond the scope of my immediate vision. It creates and re-creates magic. And I have explored my intimate self to play with the light. The challenge thrown by the limited space and opportunity has acted as an abetment. The social distancing, coupled with lockdown, has restricted the “self” and movement. There is this feeling of an isolated island as I go to the terrace to get some fresh air!

The anxiety continues to stay; I constantly look for the equilibrium between the intimate and the distant, masked, and the unmasked. The illusion, dreams, thoughts, anxiety, unconscious self, and the fantasy world — get illuminated through the visual drama. It seems to me we are living a cocooned life, waiting patiently for the completion of metamorphosis when the beautiful butterfly shall gain freedom!

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4 thoughts on “Cocooned

  1. Viewing your projects has always been a matter of pleasure for me. Thought behind this series is very captivating. A real photography calls for such objectivity. Would love to see you in many more bigger platforms.

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